Frequently Asked Questions

What time are your masses?

Our Sunday Masses are at 7am, 9am, 11am and 5pm.  Our Saturday evening (anticipated Sunday) Mass is at 5pm.  Our Daily Masses are Monday through Saturday at 6:30am

Where do I park?

Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 2:30pm, you can park on Wilder Avenue.   Saturday and Sunday, the school lot is open and accessible through Dole Street (opposite side of the block, parallel to Wilder Avenue). 

Is your Church open for visitors during the week?

Yes and No. We keep the Church locked, but you can call us or come to the office and we can let you into the Church.

Can we walk into the Church freely during the week?

Only on Fridays when we have adoration from 7am to 12-noon as well as every 2nd Thursday from 7pm to 8pm during our monthly Adoration and Confession. Outside of that time, please contact the office and we can let you into the Church.

Do you do Weddings from Out-of-State?

Yes.  Please go here for more information.

Do you do Baptisms for families from Out-of-State or a different Parish?

Yes.  Please go here for more information.

Can I offer a Mass Intention/have a name said during mass?  And how much is it?

Yes.  Our Mass Intentions are $10 per mass.  It is preferred that you come and request the Intention in person, however, you can call or email.  There is no guarantee that the mass you request will be available.  Please also note the following:

The Saturday 5pm mass is our designated "pro populo" mass (the mass offered for everyone), so no names/intentions are ever said during that mass unless permitted by the Pastor.

The Sunday 7am and 9am mass are always designated to have more than one mass intention said. This means it can have any and all special intentions, healing intentions, reposition intentions, etc.,  so there is no guarantee that the intention will be by itself.

All the other masses (Sunday 11am & 5pm, and all daily masses Monday thru Saturday morning), are only allowed to have 1 mass intention/name said per mass. 

Is Father available for Funerals/Celebration of Life Prayer Services?

Yes, however, please be advised that we try as much as possible to fulfill Celebration of Life events according to certain pieces of information.  Please see the Q&A below for more details:

Q: Was the deceased a member/Parishioner of Sacred Heart Church?

If yes, we can hold the Funeral at Sacred Heart
If no, please find out where the deceased was registered and contact that Church first.

Q: Was the deceased a resident of the general Punahou/Makiki Area?

If yes, we can hold the Funeral at Sacred Heart If no, please first contact the Church closest to the area of residence of the deceased.

Q: If the remains of the deceased will be available for visitation, do you want a Full Mass (Prayers, Readings and Holy Communion) said for the deceased, or are you just wanting a prayer service?

If you would like a full mass said, then the Funeral can be held in any Catholic Church. 
If you only want a prayer service (no Communion), the service must be held in the Mortuary Chapel which Father can be present at.

My loved one just passed away.  What do I do?

Please read through "Understanding our Catholic Funeral Rites."  This will provide a general overview of our "3-part" Catholic Funeral Process.